ILSM Consultation

Many accrediting agencies require Interim Life Safety Measures (ILSM) be implemented for each Life Safety Code deficiency in your facility, even if you have it documented on your PFI/POC. The goal of an ILSM is to put temporary measures in place to help compensate for the reduced level of life safety present in your building during the time the deficiency exists.

To develop a good ILSM requires more than just knowing what the code says; you need to know what the code intends. When you know the intent of the code you can develop an ILSM that provides meaningful compensation for the deficiency without just implementing time consuming or expensive processes that may not really address the impact of the deficiency. To understand the intent of the code requires a deep understanding of the code and many years of practical experience. RTM Consultants, Inc. has been assessing health care facilities for over 20 years all across the United States. Our staff includes registered fire protection engineers and professional consultants with decades of experience. The principals of the firm each have over 30 years of fire protection and building code experience.

You can approach your accreditation survey with confidence when RTM Consultants’ experts have helped you develop your ILSMs. But even more importantly, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have developed ILSMs based on the knowledge and experience necessary to achieve and maintain a safe environment for your staff and patients.

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